
Friday, April 12, 2013

Camping out at Great-Grandma's

Jack and Great Aunt Linda
The kids and I headed down to Joplin last weekend to help Great Grandma and Aunt Linda out around their home.  Without Grandpa Jack it has left the all-female household a bit overwhelmed.  Who is to mow the yard? Hoe the flower beds? Fix the microwave, repair the porch railing, and change out the lightbulbs in the closet??? Grandma had made a nice "honey do list" for Adam, his Dad and brother Ryan.  We decided to make it a family weekend, and all headed their way.
I came up with the lovely idea to make it a 'camping' trip at the same time. Adam had been wanting to pop-up the camper to check it over from the winter (i.e. cross our fingers and hope that mice didn't move in, crap on everything and chew holes thru our cushions).  Plus Jack gets super excited anytime we mention using the camper.  AND, I had my own selfish reasoning.  Taking the camper meant that we would get our own comfy queen size bed, and for some reason NonaJane sleeps AMAZING in the camper. (I think it is the constant humming of the air conditioner and the swaying of the camper from the breeze).  Plus nothing is better for me than 'camping' that involves a house with a kitchen and bathroom no more than 10 steps away :).
Training Jack early...
Well we got lucky, and when Adam popped up the camper it looked just as good as it did when we closed it up last Fall! He did a thorough scan of each cupboard (opening the doors with an outstretched arm, grimacing, and fully expecting a herd of mice to jump out at his face at any moment.  What is a group of mice called???  I dunno but I think a 'herd' of mice sounds good.) Anyhoo, it didn't happen. So that is good.
Sue, Aunt Linda, the kids and I headed out for a walk to enjoy the day
The boys were very efficient, and I believe they completed the entire checklist... but if the household is anything like ours then the list will most likely just keep growing and growing and growing...

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