
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys

I was sitting on my couch while Jack was napping (honestly I was a bit bored... this keeps happening lately. I think I must really be ready for this 2nd baby) ANY whooo... I was peering across my living room floor and had this thought "what will our house look like if this baby is a girl???"  I mean look at my floor! A tricycle, race car, hot wheels, pirate swords, a tool set, and golf clubs.  How weird would it be to throw in a doll or...what else do girls play with? I mean I know I AM a girl, but I grew up with two older brothers and am not so sure I had many girly things.  Most pictures of me I am in hand-me-down cut off jeans and t-shirts. Which I am totally cool with. I stand firm that if this precious little baby is a girl, she can be cool in blue. Why all the pressure to buy everything pink???

Yes, Jack Jack did line up all his hot wheels and monster trucks big to small. Because he DOES have some of his super cool mommy in him.          
Somehow I got off topic.  Back to "Boys being Boys."  Last week Jack- Jack was on an injury kick. First he face dove off the swings into gravel, then he tried to stand up in the jogging stroller in some sort of acrobatic move and flipped it- thus landing face first on the concrete.  Few days later he was running down the driveway (obviously asking for more blood) and fell scraping up his knees. I would like to brag about how brave and stoic he was. But this is not exactly true. On the contrary he was quite dramatic.  He couldn't bare to let me simply wash the blood of his face, and he did make sure to re-tell his injury story to EVERYONE he met.  At home I got the job of man-handling him every evening to douse him in hydrogen peroxide and apply the deadly neosporin.  At least he acted like it was deadly. This was equally unpleasant for him and me. OH, and I almost forgot to mention that after scraping his knees he walked around hunched over and holding the legs of his shorts up so as to avoid any 'accidental rubbing' of the material on his knees.  He would randomly moan thru out the day and say "my kneeeeeeees" in a very dramatic (and extremely funny) tone.  Aaaah, so cute. Memories in the making I say :)

1964 Lone Star with the original 9.9 HP motor. You should have seen us hauling across the lake.  We left a MAJOR wake

 Adam and Jack also got a new "Boys will be Boys" toy.  Ain't it cute?  We took her out for a quick spin around lake Olathe. It seemed we did take on a small amount of water but determined it was nothing that would sink you (unless you sat out there for a REAL long time.) And if I know Adam he will have this problem solved in a matter of days.  We then had to go buy Jack his own fishing rod, Spiderman or course. Though I doubt he even knows who Spiderman really is. This is not the point though- it was very BOYISH and goes with the theme of the blog post. He has been practicing reeling it off the couch all day (no pictures of this yet... will get on that).  In case you thought I wasn't going to complain about spending money, we also had to dump a load of money on stupid boat accessories: a boat cover, a new plug (so we don't sink), oil, gas, some part or another to get the brake lights on the trailer working, etc. etc.   Darn Toys

Jack took awhile to warm up to the boat. I think he is used to the bigger ski boat... and it was kinda cold. But he did come around and now has been non-stop in asking us to go back to Lake Olathe.  Too bad the rain has moved in, he's gonna have to wait a few days.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Flowers in April?? Just go with it

Adam and I really do enjoy working in the yard, and spring is by far the most rewarding time of the year.  Typically I expect our yard to be in full bloom around Mother's Day, this year we got an early surprise! Thought I would share a few of my favorites.
  These are pink azaleas. I personally created each pink blossom, and placed them in this amazing array (okay fine God did that). But they are in MY yard and the neighbors always compliment ME on them so I get a little big-headed.  If anyone else has azaleas, I do fertilize these several times each year with an acid-loving miracle grow.  All other credit can be given to mother nature.
 These purple flowers are Columbine (Colorado's state flower).  Two years ago I planted one, and now there are three amazing groupings of them! They seeded on their own, and the best part is the "DAMN bunnies" haven't touched them. (I do like bunnies, but they ate my coreopsis and my ever-blooming roses to a nub so now they are DAMN bunnies)
 The last flower picture is our rhododendron. I swear this is the most fickle plant we have. Of course when the roofers decided to drop their pile of crap off the roof directly into the middle of my bush it didn't help. And yes, I was very dramatic about this experience and called my husband in tears "they've RUINED my rhododendron."  The poor Hispanic workers who clearly did not speak English surely thought I was the craziest lady ever.  But really, why didn't they throw their pile off 10 feet to the left where it would have landed on the driveway? To be mean obviously.

 This is a Japanese Maple Tree that we planted two years ago.   It is BEAUTIFUL in person and adds a new color to the yard.  Right now it is a deep purpley red. Adam and I agree it is probably the best addition we have made to the landscaping.
 Oh, and yes that is Jack trying to creep in on my gardening blog post.  This is his scary face, but really you are supposed to be looking at my tree.
And this is our Spring bun in the oven :) 36 weeks!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Potty Training: not for the faint of heart

Jack turned 2 1/2 in March, thus as responsible parents we have decided it is officially time for Jack Jack to become proficient at using the potty.  He has been using the potty in a low key way for months. Before bath, before bed, a few hours in big boy underwear each morning and each evening.  We had even ventured on short trips like to the gym and church in  big boy undies, but hadn't made the official switch.

The crime scene. I think it is pretty clear what happened here.  Is Elmo crying?
Early on Jack showed enthusiasm with the whole "potty training" idea. One morning he asked me to put undies on his his Elmo.  So I did, and I playfully told Elmo "don't pee pee in your undies, big boys use the potty! Right Jack?"  I proceeded to go to my room and get ready for the day while Jack was innocently playing in his room. A few moments later he comes running in holding Elmo's underwear and stating "Elmo used the potty!" 
me: ... "That's great, but where is Elmo?" 
Jack:  "In the potty"
me: "Really?"

After laughing hysterically, we had a little talk about how it isn't nice to put our stuffed animals IN the potty and that Elmo would now be taking a bath in the washing machine.  (Which was actually about as exciting for Jack as it was to put him in the toilet. Poor Elmo.)

So now we (meaning Adam and I) are putting more effort into the whole potty training thing, but pretty sure Jack Jack couldn't give a crap either way.  He is totally cool with using the potty when you take him, but I swear this child will NEVER ask to go.  Thus Adam and I have become proficient at 'accident preventing'  we know we have about a 2 hour time limit, we know to take him before we leave the house, and before letting him sit down to watch a tv show... but most of all we know to never ever never ever NEVER believe him if he says he doesn't need to go.  I think he has looked me in the eye and said "I don't need to potty" and then immediately soaked himself a dozen times.
Totally appropriate view of my son in his big boy dino undies :)
On a happier note, he has managed to go the last 2 days accident free :)  But save your cheers.  No one seems to mention that even though their child is no longer in diapers that they are still totally dependent on you to USE the potty. I mean, who takes his pants off? ME! Who helps him get his pants back on? ME! who lifts him up to the sink to wash his hands? ME ! And who has to keep an eye on the clock and try to remember the last time he pee'd? ME!
This potty training is a LOT of work, for ME! (or I suppose you could substitute Adam's name in there as well... but I'm the one writing this blog post so I'm taking the glory!)  No wonder people keep their kids in diapers till their four.  And no offense to my son, but how come we can potty train puppies in like a week?  I know for a fact my son is smarter than a dog.
But I better praise Jack one more time before ending this rant of a blog post... would you believe he LOVES pooping in the potty? This kid has not pooped in his underwear EVER. He gets excited to poop in the potty. The other day the water splashed him, and boy did he get a kick outa that.  Now every time he needs to go he says "It's gonna splash me!" Wow, I'm pretty sure no one enjoys that... but that's why being a 2 year old boy is awesome.

(Oh, and by the way... Yesterday Jack smiled and proudly said "I feel like a Big Boy now."  So I think he is starting to "give a crap" and is actually pretty proud of himself. And we are pretty darn proud of him too.)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Balancing Act

Adam and I have an ongoing dilemma, perhaps one might call it a butting of heads.  Adam likes to have FUN. In order to have good fun he feels it necessary to collect toys. NOT necesarilly cheap toys.  I am FRUGAL. I find joy in saving money, and try ever so hard to be content with what I have (as I write this I see how annoying I am. Who wants to hang out with that girl?)
Adam's first motorcycle.  He sold this one for a truck I believe.

Our current form of "cheap" fun.
The Boat..  not recommended for use on water
The current motorcyle

Adam currently has a motorcycle, a jet ski, partial ownership of a boat with my Dad (unfortunately the boat is a bit of a "money pit" and not exactly float-able at this time).   But Adam's wish list is ongoing, never ending, and ever evolving. To me it is a mind boggling list. To his benefit, he does buy used items that are older and by no means the 'top of the line'.  He is also frequently selling, trading, and "improving" said items.

Currently he spends his time perusing Craig's list looking for fishing boats, pop-up campers, storage sheds and trucks.   Do I particularly enjoy the endless pursuit of things I'd rather not buy... not really.  But it is CRITICAL that I show interest in his pursuits, or I hurt his feelings... "yes, honey that boat is very cool". "Yes, that would be a fun camper." etc. etc.  The real trick is I CAN'T show too much excitement or interest. If I do, it's like putting gasoline on a flame (or insert some other catch phrase that I can't think of right now) needless to say he will have the item purchased within the next 24 hours.

We have had many close calls (also considered arguments), these are the times when he thinks I have given the OK to purchase an item, only to find I was speaking in "yes, some day terms."  This results in several days of depression for Adam while he recuperates.  Tragic, I know. Meanwhile I feel like a big party pooper with a stick up my rear.  Not a good feeling (not that I know what a stick up my rear should feel like. This is a common saying though... right?)

But on Monday, Adam's Aunt passed away. Not his great-aunt, his Aunt. His Mom's baby sister. Totally unexpected and sudden. Of course this gets one to thinking. Life is truly short, and what else is there to do but enjoy everyday? Live life to the fullest, make memories, and laugh.

Two happy boys
Jack's first ride on the waverunner

So now I'm stuck.  My brain wants to hoard our money, do something really responsible like invest and deprive ourselves of every desire.  But what will I remember more at the end of my life... the memories made with Adam's crazy list of dreams... or my secure nest egg?  (Oh dear, what will happen when he reads this blog post???)

The real challenge to me seems to be finding a way to balance it all out.  How to be responsible, have a nest egg, save for retirement, AND have FUN.  But really, I think we are doing pretty good. At least I am having fun, and I'm pretty sure Adam would agree.  This life is GOOD.

Today is a day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be Glad in it. -  Will do, will do :)

I know Mom, at least he isn't asking for an airplane like Dad did.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pity Party

Here's what is going on in my little world.  
Jack Jack loves me, I am his Mom.

But he likes Adam MORE.

No fair!  I know he's only 2 but this is kinda rude.  You can't play favorites, because I am selfish and it hurts my feelings.  Plus I'm up against the impossible; Adam is funnier, more exciting, more playful, better looking (wait that shouldn't matter).  So here's my options
A) Carry skittles around in my pocket and use to my advantage
B) Suck it up, be a good Mom and be happy that Adam is an amazing husband and Dad.

Well this sucks, the correct answer is obvious.  I guess this is where being a mom gets tough, when they start hurting your feelings and there's nothing you can do about it.  The good news? When Adam is at work Jack and I have a blast together because he has no choice but to play with me :) haha... 
Despite my pity fest, I'm thankful for what I got. Really really unbelievably thankful.
  (But will take your pity anyways).
See, don't they look guilty for being "best friends"

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Baby Bump

 Oh my, how fast you forget what you used to look like.  Even in this picture I felt HUGE. I had already gained nearly 10 pounds.That's the face I'm making the "I've gained 10 pounds and this is how I feel about it" face.  Don't judge.
Christmas time and hitting the halfway mark.
Ummmm I think I outgrew that shirt a few weeks back. Not sure you always see things clearly when your 'el preggo'.  You look in the mirror and think "It still fits!!!" No, sorry it doesn't.  But whatever makes you feel good.
Third Trimester! Passed the 20 pound weight gain mark (closer to 25 to be exact) but hanging in there.
It's hard to believe as I write this that we have 6 weeks or less till our new baby arrives (assuming he/she doesn't torture me and make us wait longer!).  Will it be a boy? Maybe we will be shocked and it IS a little girl?  Can it possibly be as cute as Jack?  So much anticipation in waiting, but that's what makes it fun. Whoever you are... we love you already. God has created you and given you to us, and I am thankful. More than thankful, but unable to put it into words.  I am excited for our family to grow, to see the dynamics change, and I can't wait to see the crazy things you'll do and funny things you'll say.  Meanwhile we're living it up as a family of 3. Enjoying the ease of one kiddo.  See you soon Baby :)

Do you have neighbors like this?

Our neighbors are pretty amazing. They wanted to help celebrate this new life.  Who says 2nd born babies don't get spoiled?  Not this little one... or maybe it's me who is being spoiled.

The fantabulous hosts: Jenn Huey and Tina Corley
Me escaping with all the loot. 
That's Aleah Huey holding Jack Jack.  She is officially the best baby sitter ever. She puts all others to shame. Does your babysitter show up with pre-school crafts and tasks for your kiddo? Does she play hide-n-seek, make forts, and play outside with them. I didn't think so. But back off, she's mine :)  (Best of all, she lives just across the street).

Friday, April 6, 2012

If I loved him any more I might explode

While I am on a roll, why not introduce Jack-Jack.  Jack turned 2 and 1/2 last month. It is shocking to me.  He manages to become funnier, cuter, smarter, more engaging, curious, and independent every single day. Even the little things amaze me, like now he can open any door in the house. He has the freedom to turn the lights on and off. He can choose to wear rain boots and army underwear.
 He drags his step stool all over the house so he can "do it himself".  He has an insane knack for puzzles, seems to memorize books after the first time you read them, and has an interesting way of re-telling events of the day. All things seem to be funnier when told by a two year old.  He plays pretend with his stuffed animals, talks for them, makes them dance and sing, and then throws them down the stairs. I've told him that this probably hurts their feelings... he didn't believe me and continues to throw them down the stairs. What can you do?  If I loved him any more I might explode. Really, don't doubt me.

The Beginning

Holy crap here we go.  Believe it or not it took me an insane amount of time just to figure out how to get this thing started (I know it doesn't even look very good). BUT it's the thought that counts... at this point anyway. I am hoping with time and practice that this blog will evolve. I am diving into very unfamiliar territory for me.  As I said above, I am NOT creative. I don't cook meals from scratch, I don't sew, and you won't find me posting exciting homemade crafts that belong in a magazine.  You WILL find pictures of the best looking kid you've ever seen. You will read funny stories (at least I think they are funny), you will see our family grow, and you can enjoy the ups and downs, adventures, and insignificant details that make up our life.  This is the beginning... welcome to our "Memories in the Making".

Just a few photos of our son, Jack Wilder Schwatken, to get you hooked.  (seeing as how the lame appearance of our blog will most likely not be that intriguing)