
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hormones are wierd

Nona's first bottle. 4 1/2 weeks old.
I discovered the other day that I am crazy. I've noticed this about myself at other times as well... but I blame hormones. Because that is better than blaming myself. Over the past 4 weeks I have whined about how often I have to nurse Nona and how much time it consumes, how hard it is to do in public, etc. etc... yet the other day I pumped so that we could introduce Nona to the bottle. (She will need to take pumped milk from a bottle the days that I work.)  As I watched Adam and Jack give her the bottle I immediately felt SAD! I was sad and jealous all at the same time.  Feeding her is MY job! I am her mom, and the only one capable of nursing her.  Apparently I am prideful of that. Shame on me!  Nursing is MY time with Nona, and I am thankful for it. My hormones got the best of me and I actually took over and fed Nona the last ounce because I felt that Adam and Jack were not "doing it right."  Good thing I will be at work so Adam and Jack will have the freedom to feed her as they please without me hovering over them!  Lesson learned : I am selfish.  Despite my gripes and complaints... I truly LOVE nursing my baby.  I nurse her because it is best for her.  I nurse her because it is best for me. And most of all, I nurse her because I love it. But that doesn't mean I won't complain about it :) 

Caught a bit of her smile on camera! Her full smile is MUCH cuter with dimples and all. (also please note the beautiful burp cloth from her Aunt Julie)

Hanging out pool side

Nona's FAVORITE nap position

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