
Sunday, February 24, 2013

NonJane- 9 months

Pure Joy
yumm yumm
miniature version of King Kong. This bridge didn't last long...
Update on NonaJane... she is 9 months old going on 9 years. She is stinking cute, FULL of personality, and on the move. Danger is her middle name, and it's a good thing the word "NO" is nestled nicely into her first name :)  If she isn't eating something or tearing something up... then she is about to.  Today I went to get her from her nap to find her face covered in white paint chips. Yep, she was eating her bed.  The other day she actually ate some of the color off of my mom's leather ottoman, and has ingested a few of Jack's coloring pages.  But I swear I TRY to watch her.  She is just so fast, and so energetic, and too FUNNY. As my friend Abby put it "She is just a ball of personality!"  Very true! Tonight she went to bed with green marker on her face and hands. But at least she was dressed and fed. As far as I can guess,  changing NonaJane's diaper and clothes is about like trying to dress a monkey.  She sees no purpose in it, and is infuriated by your interruption of he daily plans to terrorize the home.  Oh my how this little girl has changed our world.  But my heart grows each day, just thinking about her makes me laugh and puts joy in my heart. How can sooo much fit into such a teeny little girl???
She thinks she should play with the BIG kids. And always needs to be in on the action!

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