
Saturday, February 9, 2013

craigslist junky...continues

"fancy picture" with our new camera
So we've been thinking about starting the process of finishing our basement. (Yes we have been thinking about doing this for 5 years now but let's not rub that in.) As a continuation of last year's blog post "Craigslist Junky" I've been posting items stored in our basement onto craigslist to clear out the space.  I've been having pretty good luck.  But most of the stuff down there is baby and kids stuff, so I discovered a new forum. The Johnson County Mom's Swap and Shop.  ADDICTING. oh no! Now I can snap pictures with my i-pad, post it on the facebook page, and people start posting "take".  You wouldn't think that selling items for $5 bucks would be that exciting, but for some reason I get a thrill like it's a miniature auction. Anyhoo, I spent a large portion of my weekend on this site... much to Adam's dismay. But he didn't complain when I took us out to dinner with all my earnings :)
self portrait by Kristen. Our current and wonderful babysitter
So far I have sold more than I have purchased, but I did purchase a "new" used camera (which I am LOVING!! no more blurry pictures!!!) a new car seat for NonaJane, some spring and summer clothes for both kids, and an inflatable toddler pool for the deck this summer.  It was super fun to buy all these items with the cash that I had earned from selling things we don't need anymore! Yippee!!

The basement in its current state.

unfinished basement... soon to be new living space???
AND... I got my 2012 Blog Book in the mail!! It turned out GREAT! It did change my formatting around some, but it really made all the work of doing this blog worth it! Now we have a tangible "yearbook" with stories, memories, and pictures to have as a keepsake forever. Too COOL!


  1. Did you use Blurb? I've always taken my blog pictures and put them into IPhoto but I know it would save SO much time to go straight into blurb...I think...

    1. To print the book? I used blog2print i think... is that what you are asking? sorry, I'm not a very good blogger.. i don't even know what Iphoto is! haha

  2. Hi Kelly! I'm avoiding working on taxes like the plague and got sucked into playing a bit of catch up on google reader. What kind of camera did you purchase? Did you use Blurb to print your blog book? How much work was it? I'd love to see it as I have been procrastinating printing ours for WAY too long now! Also, you wouldn't be selling any of those chairs by chance would you? We are looking to replace two in our kitchen. Last thing, I pulled some GAP skinny jeans (blue and black wash) and an Old Navy winter coat - all size 18-24 month - if you have any interest in looking at them.
    Hope all is well!
