
Friday, May 3, 2013

Meow Mix

Well, I realize I have done a dis-justice to my family blog.  I have failed to mention that we have a pet. Her name is Ginny. She is a cat. I adopted Ginny from Pet's Mart about 7 years ago... which is crazy to think about. 7 years??? Anyhoo, it was just Ginny, myself and a suitcase who showed up at my parents door on April 1st 2007 (but that's a 'whole nother' can of worms that we don't really need to open up in this blog post :))  But the point is that Ginny has been with me since BEFORE I met Adam and BEFORE Jack and NonaJane existed. Thus she deserves some props.
Ginny giving me the stink eye at 19 weeks pregnant with Jack in 2009
Back in 2009, shortly after finding out I was pregnant with Jack, Ginny became deathly ill. (in hind-site we are pretty sure she electrocuted herself by chewing on an electrical cord.  This continues to be one of her favorite activities. So surely cats do have 9 lives... and they don't get any smarter with each life.)  Weather I was crazy on hormones, or just extremely grateful to Ginny for being my best friend thru some tough times... we ended up pouring over $1,000 bucks into saving her 9 lives.  In my defense we did not know it would end up costing this much.  Ginny pulled thru and came back home. Adam then spent the next several weeks giving Ginny shots, and feeding her thru a syringe.  One giant gold star to my husband for that one.  I think the point I am trying to get across here is that Ginny was my baby... and I was willing to bend over backwards (or at least to make Adam bend over backwards) to ensure that she was happy and healthy.
This seems to be the turning point where she decided she would have nothing to do with our children
This picture was taken the week that Jack came home from the hospital... I searched thru our thousands of pictures and literally could not find one since... so I took one tonight :( that makes me a very BAD pet owner...
Fast forward 4 years... and I seem to have forgotten I have a cat. Ouch.  Unfortunately it turns out Ginny has a thing against little people. She only socializes with adults, and spends the majority of her life hiding from Jack and NonaJane.  She has no apparent reason to do so. Jack has zero interest in her, and NonaJane isn't fast enough to catch her.  Perhaps Ginny is holding a grudge against these little impostors who have stolen her spot?  Nevertheless she still sleeps on top of me, rudely wakes me up by pounding on the door to be fed, and meows relentlessly to be let out... only then to meow relentlessly to be let back in. Apparently she is confused, sleepy, and a bit spiteful. But that is neither here nor there.  The point of this post is supposed to be MEOW MIX.
Ginny tonight... looking forlorn
A few years ago, Ginny started to have weird bald spots on her head. I thought she was getting old. But then thought "wait, 4 years isn't old for a cat." So I took her to the vet. Allergies she said. She needs to be on special food.  So we started to feed her IAMS sensitive skin food.  It costs more, so I knew I was doing the right thing. Ginny continued to have weird sneezing fits, had bald spots on her ears and head, and even started getting weird scabs on her back. eewwww... gross... I know. But who has time to worry about scabs on their cat when you're busy with keeping your daughter from playing in the toilet (which she did AGAIN tonight. So I suck at that too.)  So poor Ginny just lived with her allergies.. and I kept buying stupid expensive food.
THEN, our new neighbors across the street brought us a bag of MEOW MIX. His dad works for the company and gives them several bags a month. Too much for their cat.  Handily, we were out of cat food... so I tried it.  Completely expecting Ginny to yack the food up on our bed in the middle of the night (because that is the BEST place to yack your food up in the middle of the night.)  INSTEAD, her scabs went away, she stopped sneezing, and she now has the thickest, softest, shiniest coat of fur.  Adam says she is even acting crazy again in the middle of the night. Attacking the kids's toys, and sprinting aimlessly thru the house.  Who knew??? Good ole "I want chicken, I want liver, Meow Mix, Meow Mix Please Deliver"  just saved the day!!!
Thankfully, my neighbor has agreed to be our cat food supplier of FREE MEOW MIX.  So although Ginny goes ignored most of the time. Spending the days hiding and doing who knows what... she can at least do it allergy free.
But in all honesty... I do love my kitty. She has spunk. She has pizazz. She is also annoying, rude, and stubborn... and that's what makes her kind of fun:)

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