
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Captain Jack is turning 3!

I am NOT the best at celebrating birthdays.  This is because I am an extreme birthday party pooper.  Birthdays make me sad instead of happy.  No, it's not that I dread the NUMBER, I don't really care how OLD I am per say... it's the reminder that another year is GONE.  My time, my life, my opportunities here on earth are dwindling. I write this and realize how extremely depressing this sounds... but for some reason this is the sentiment that birthdays produce in me.  So now, as a mother, I am faced with the challenge of celebrating my children's birthdays.  An annual reminder that they are growing up. Becoming more independent. Each year of their childhood being marked down in history... with the inevitable truth that they are not MINE to keep. That they will grow up, follow God's path for their lives.  That God truly created them for HIS glory, not mine.  But in the meanwhile... I make it my devotion to absorb and experience everyday and moment with them.  Perhaps their birthdays should be seen as an annual reminder to cherish, love, and celebrate everyday with them and to Thank GOD for their birth.
So in the spirit of JOY and Thanksgiving, I celebrated my JACK JACK on his 3rd Birthday.  We had a real PARTY. With pirate decorations, balloons, cake, and colorful kick balls for the kids to take home.  Jack was happy, Nona was happy, Adam was ecstatic, and despite my birthday fears... I had fun too.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 3rd birthday Jack! You & little Nona are growing up soooo fast. I am glad the internet gives me a chance to know you, & watch how much you are both changing. I hope you have a wonderful year!
    Great A. Judy & Great U. Dan
