
Saturday, June 29, 2013

"Such a bad baby!"

I called my mom the other night to vent.
me- "I worry about NonaJane"
"Why?" my mother asked!
"well, she NEVER sits down...and she NEVER quits.  I keep thinking she is going to want to relax, watch a cartoon... I dunno just lounge around a bit! She is just plum wearing me out!"
"so she is exactly like you then?"- My mom

I know I work for the infant toddler program, I know that my schooling, my profession, and my experiences all revolve around babies and toddlers... so I should expect my toddler to wear me out. But I just wasn't quite prepared for NonaJane. She makes me think harder, plan better, and work faster. She makes me appreciate those quiet moments even more.
eating a noodle of course
When we are out and about she doesn't want me to carry her. But when I set her down she wants to run in the opposite direction.  She engages in these battles with me... and she doesn't give up. We wrestle daily with every diaper change and clothing change. She is determined to throw everything out of the tub and soak the bathroom floor, and climb on every surface in our home.  Would you believe (yes I am sure you would believe... in fact you are probably not even going to be surprised) that she will purposefully turn her cups or bottle upside down and shake or squeeze it until the milk comes out all over the floor or furniture? One day I swear she was 'painting' a picture with it.  I think what scares me the most, is that when I scold her or attempt to redirect her behavior... she does not hesitate to YELL at ME!  She will point at me with her finger, yell, and then attempt to return to whatever she was doing.  The other day she climbed into the rocking chair in her room, was standing in it backwards, and was banging it into the wall.  I came in and sat on the ottoman.. looking into her eyes.  She gave me this smirk.. this non-chalant grin.. and banged the chair harder.  I didn't have to say a thing. She knew she shouldn't... and she did.  I swear I saw a 17 year old NonaJane, she was beautiful, she was intent, and she was determined. And I felt a little bit helpless.  So I scooped her up. I gave her a big hug, kissing her cheeks and lovingly told her "you're such a bad baby!" (which I tell her quite often). She giggled and smiled with her chipped front tooth... I couldn't love her more. Every rotten bit of her. But she probably will drive me crazy.

One of NonaJane's milk creations. This was not by accident, but a skillful work of art by squeezing the bottle just right along the floor.

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