
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween 2013

Jack, Annabelle, Caroline and NonaJane (hidden in back of stroller)

                 I don't always do the best job of celebrating Halloween.  Mostly because the holiday kind of confuses me.  I mean, it seem like it should be for children right?  Kids getting to dress up and trick or treat for candy. But then we decorate with terrifying bloody bodies, ghouls and goblins.  So are we trying to traumatize the kids?  I don't know, it just seems weird.  But that is neither here nor there (look! I had almost forgotten about my attempt to work that saying into every post! Hate to let anyone down...)
SO, Jack dressed up this year as the alien from Toy Story (the one that the claw grabs).  NonaJane was a bumblebee.  No particular reason on either costume... found them at the consignment sale. Wish I had a better background story to that one...
Caroline and NonaJane

We spent Halloween day in Topeka with Jayna and her girls.  We went trick or treating at a strip mall, then the kids made 'mummy' pizzas.   Jayna amazed me by having home made dough for the kids (she always amazes me with her kitchen craftiness).  She let the children use string cheese to decorate their pizzas, making them look like mummies.  Darn cute!

Halloween evening, Johanna came over in true Halloween tradition (Adam has worked on Halloween that last several years and Johanna has made it a fun tradition to come trick or treating with us).  Johanna helped me take the kids around the neighborhood.
Then I ate too much candy.
The end.
Despite my lack of enthusiasm for Halloween, I actually am looking forward to next year! I'm hoping NonaJane can wear my Indian costume from when I was little! I will let Jack choose if he wants to be a cowboy or an Indian as well :)

Johanna, Jack, NonaJane, and our sweet neighbor Jaycee

Jaycee helping NonaJane up the stairs

NonaJane made quite the killing. She distracted them with her cuteness, then would take half their bucket of candy.
 Then the other day I looked out and saw Adam blowing all the leaves together in the backyard. I thought "Wow, he is on top of things! Already cleaning up the yard!" Then, I realized he was blowing them into a pile for the kids to play in.  A week later, the pile has imploded all over the yard, dead leaves askew.  O-well.  Leaves are more fun for playing then shoved in a bag for the trash man to take. Right?

P.S. I also learned that leaves will leave nasty stains on your favorite pink corduroy pants :(

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